Thursday, June 7, 2012

Nail Polish & Beauty Organizer

I get a lot of beauty samples in the mail for free, I also subscribe to a few "beauty box" programs and I'm starting to become overwhelmed with products! I have so much that I can't even keep track of it all and I end up letting things expire or dry out before I even use them.

I've also developed this new found obsession with nail polish and again, have no where to keep it all, so here's the start to what I've come up with:
I found these "jewelry organizers" at Ross for around $13. The one shown here has 33 pockets on each side, (which isn't nearly enough, but it's a start). They have a few different sizes with different sized pockets and so on.
I chose these over the "caboodle" type cases because I need to see everything I have at once and I don't want to dig around for it. Plus they hang right in the closet or on a towel bar!

On a side note: If you do want a caboodle type organizer, do yourself a favor and buy a tackle box instead, they're cheaper, sturdier, and have more compartments. Yes, I mean a tackle box, like for fishing. (:

I just threw some stuff in the pockets so that you could see relative size. Eventually, everything will be organized in one way or another and I'll own about 4 more of these babies!

If you subscribe to beauty sample websites like Birchbox, Cravebox, Beauty Army, etc etc, or have a ton of nail polish, these organizers are a must-have! Let me know how you organize your small stuff...

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