Friday, January 6, 2012

Thai Basil and other herbs

Now THIS is what Thai Basil should look like! I actually bought this bunch from a couple of farmers from Thailand, (who unfortunately have since moved back). Thai basil is delicious and can be used in all sorts of things. The whole leaves can be put on sandwiches, or you can shred the leaves into soups. Yum!

The point is that most fresh herbs should be kept on the counter in a bit of water. (Even the stuff you buy at the grocery store, although it will never last long no matter what you do!) The exception may be mint. I've found that if you put mint in too much water, the leaves start to turn black and it wilts. Just keep it in the fridge or grow your own! It grows like a weed. Keeping the herbs on the counter is so handy too. I can just pluck a few leaves, run it under water, and tear it up into whatever I'm using it for.

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